Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The 6th Annual Family Festival (Orange County Head Start)

Dear Parents & Friends,

(Many of you may or may not know, I am on the Planning Division Committee for Orange County Head Start). http://www.ochsinc.org/ 

Every year Orange County Head Start puts on an Annual Family Festival. This year will be our 6th year! 

The purpose of this annual event is to promote healthy cognitive, physical and emotional development in young children. As well as, bring awareness to important resources that are available throughout the community. 

I am proud to report our 5th festival brought together over 100 educational, health and social service agencies that joined us in providing educational and fun activities to over 3,000 children and family participants.

This year the event will take place:
Saturday April 13, 2013
Santa Ana Zoo
1801 E. Chestnut Ave, Santa Ana, 92701

I am writing to ask for volunteers, collaborate partners, and sponsors for this event.

Volunteers: Individuals can volunteer for; set up, event, end of the event, or the whole event!

Collaborate partners: Collaborate with OCHS, donate $500 (money or in goods) and will be participating at the event. (Pervious collaborative partners have been CHOC, Red Cross, Help me Grow, Boys and Girls Club, USC, etc.

Level 1: $50-$99
Level2: $100-$499
Level 3: $500-1,000

You can also be a sponsor by donating food, health screenings, dental screenings, entertainment, raffle goods, etc. 
(Your donation is tax deductible).

This is going to be a great event, promoting education and health to future generations. Orange County Head Start would greatly appreciate your participation! If you are unable to volunteer/donate please stop by the event. It is open to the public and we would love your support! 

Please message me if you have any questions or are interested in participating. 


Barbara Julian
Orange County Head Start, Planning Division Committee

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