How To Protect Adolescents from Bullying, Harassment, and Emotional Violence
By Garbarino & deLara
-1 out of 4 students is bullied.
- As Many as 160,000 stay home on any given day because they are afraid of being bullied.
-282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month.
-1 out of 5 kids admits to be bullying or done some for of bullying.
“One of the most surprising findings of our research was that many kids believe that adults in the school don’t really care about bullying, sexual harassment, and emotional violence (Garbarino & deLara. (2002).”
Emotional violence can kill!
Teachers need to show their students that they care about them!
Teachers need to be aware of their students relationships and classroom environment.
Teachers need to intervene and stop any form of bullying.
Teachers need to provide a positive classroom environment.
Teachers need to have clear rules and procedures for an effective classroom management.
Teacher needs to keep professionalism at all times.
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