Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer Camp Week 3! 5 Senses & Addition/Subtraction

 In week 3 students explored their 5 senses.
Students created a 5 senses book were they put their senses to the test!

They completed a writing assignment were they indulged in gingerbread cookies.
Then, students used their 5 senses to help them write a more detailed paper. Explaining how the cookies: tastes, sounds, looks, feels, and smells.
Students got to make their own gingerbread man. They decorated them and made covers for their writing assignment! 


In math students worked in groups to complete math problems.

Students were divided up into two teams and challenged each other to word problems!
The girls reading independently!
At the end of the week students were rewarded for their strengths in the classroom. Many students were amazing helpers; helping their classmates complete their work! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Camp Week 2! Rainbow Fish and M&M Math!

Week 2 campers worked on a Rainbow fish project! They made their own Rainbow Fish and wrote what it means to be a good friend! In their writing assignment students worked on writing using First, Next, and Last. Writing about the journey of Rainbow Fish and sharing their thoughts on the story. 

Outside exploring and having fun!

Reading time!
This week in camp students learned about graphing, sorting, estimating, and counting through M & M math!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Camp- Week 1

At the end of the week campers earned an award and were applauded for their strengths within the classroom! 

Everyday campers wrote a journal entry and created a book of all their writings!

 Finishing up "The Giving Tree" writing assignment. These boys wrote about their gifts to the world and how their gifts make others happy.

Their gifts to the world are giving high-fives and laughter :)!
Math book! Making addition and subtraction fun!
Camp Journals!


Week 1 was so much fun! These campers did an amazing job with their writing, spelling, and math skills. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

And the fun starts!

Camp was a blast today :)!
Today at camp, campers listened to the story of The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. After listening to the story, we asked, “What are some of the gifts that the tree provides in the story? (answers include shade, apples, branches to swing on, etc.). Followed by asking, “how does the tree feel when she sees the boy enjoying his gifts? (Happy) Moral of the story is the gift of giving and loving. Teaching that sometimes giving gifts can often feel more rewarding then receiving gifts. These bright youngsters then created their own giving tree. Displaying what they give to others and how it makes them feel. 
Every child has gifts or talents to offer to others that don’t cost any money. For Example, some people might be able to play the piano, draw, or read out loud. Tomorrow campers will write about their gifts or talents that they bring to the world! 

 Each student wrote a journal about a healthy snack. It is important for teachers to incorporate health education! Eating healthy is extremely important! Sofia wrote about how she loves tomatoes! Many kids wrote about eating apples!   We need to make sure we are giving youngsters healthy choices to eat as it affects their learning behaviors, attention span, and health.

This is day 1 of camp! We are so excited for the next few weeks :)!
Still room to sign up, week 4 is almost full!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fine Motor Class for 3's and 4's!

Summer is here and many parents are looking for fun educational classes!
Fine Motor Class for 3's and 4's is just that!
-Do you have a child who is 3 or 4 years old? Have friends? Get together a group of youngsters and I will come to your house and teach a fun filled class based around fine motor skills!

- Fine motor skills are the fundamentals for writing and drawing. Once a child masters drawing shapes they can progress into writing letters and numbers. Children often struggle with their fine motor skills as pre-k and kindergarten have high expectations.

-This class will help lay down the fundamental fine motor muscle skills needed for educational success. Class will incorporate colors, shapes, songs and more!

Classes are 1 hr long, days/times flexible!